Sunday 27 April 2014

Free Yoga Classes in Ganesha Temple, Adelaide

Community Yoga class 

Every Sunday: 10.30 am to 11.30 am
Venue: Sri Ganesha Temple Adelaide 
Just walk in 5 min before the session 
All are welcome

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Community classes at home Pics - Komalsyoga

Community classes at home Pics - Komalsyoga 

 Komals Yoga at home

come let us do yoga!

Hatha Yoga Classes 

Pranayama Classes

Meditation Classes

Contact for Asana Pranayama and Meditation Classes
0469 550 459 


Join Community Yoga Classes at Home

Join Community Yoga Classes at Home
Contact 0469 550 459
Everard Park , Adelaide 5035

Integrated Yoga includes...
 Asana, Pranayama
 Mudras, Bandhas, Kriya
 Yoga Nidra , Restorative yoga
 Dharana,  Dhyana Techniques

Regular Practice of Integrated Yoga...
 Helps in Improving:
    Physical Fitness, body shape
     Flexibility and stability of joints
    Toning of Muscles, anti-aging
  Immunity and natural healing 
Deep relaxation of body & mind
   Concentration, memory  
    Mindfulness and mental calmness

 Helps in alleviating:
    Several psychosomatic issues 
   Headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety
    Tiredness and fatigue, stress
     Obesity and osteoporosis
     Backpain, sciatica, varicose veins
    Imbalances in doshas (vata pitaa and kapha)
   Imbalances in prana flow 

*Yogacharini Komal is a trained and certified Yoga Teacher with following certifications in yoga teaching
·        LEVEL II 500 hrs Cert IV in Yoga from Byron Yoga Centre, NSW, AUSTRALIA
·        Yoga Instructors Course from SVYASA, Bangalore INDIA
·        Atmadarshan Yoga Teacher Certificate from Light of the Self Foundation(under Sadguru Prabhuji), Bangalore, India
·        Masters in Psychological Counselling (M.Sc), Bangalore University, India. 

Voluntary Donations Accepted

Yogacharini Komal Profile


Komala Pukale (Komal)

“Yoga is all about energizing the body, balancing the prana(vital energy) flow, relaxing the mind and connecting with one’s inner Self.”

Professional requirements:
Ø  Level II 500hrs and Level I 200hrs
Ø  Cert IV in Yoga
Ø  First Aid
Ø  Public Liability Insurance

Career Objectives:
·        to work in a creative, professional and challenging environment
·        to best utilize my knowledge, experience and skills to achieve INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANISATIONAL OBJECTIVES.
·        to be flexible to the demanding work environment
·        to ensure utmost job satisfaction and professional development
·        to achieve optimum results in teaching, training and counseling fields

Trained in teaching beginners and intermediate level in:
Ø  Traditional Hatha Yoga
Ø  Alignment focussed Iyengar Yoga
Ø  Gentle to Advanced Vinyasa Flow
Ø  Chakra Balancing Yoga
Ø  Restorative Yoga, Partner Yoga and Thai yoga massage

My Personal Style is Integrated Yoga which includes ancient or traditional Asana(with other styles) followed by Pranayama, Dharana, Dhyana techniques with the practice of Yamas and Niyamas in life as according to  Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga (8 limbs) and Atmajnan (Self Knowledge) with the ultimate aim of  expanding the awareness(Shiva) and liberating the energy(Shakti), i.e. for spiritual evolution and experiencing the bliss of existence...YOGA (Union or Oneness).

Special Skills in Yoga teaching:
·        Joint mobilisations and stretching for beginners
·        Hip openers, spinal twists, body balancing, forward and backbend sequences
·        Skills in using props, giving adjustments and corrections and variations for beginners and intermediate level
·        Combining pranayama, mudras, bandhas, anatomical knowledge, breathe awareness and mindfulness, relaxation, and stillness and philosophy in each yoga session as per the need.
·        Sound knowledge of Anatomy and physiology of Yoga

Indepth knowledge of:
·        Traditional Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas, Yoga Nidra and Meditation Techniques
·        Yoga Philosophy, combined with Ayurveda and Acupressure and Energy healing
·        Conducting chanting, Japa, Sound, light, chakra...  and other stillness and dynamic, awareness and concentration meditation techniques

Other Relevant Skills in Yoga teaching:
·        Fluency in English, Hindi, Marathi and Kannada languages.
·        Strong organizational, interpersonal and analytical skills.
·        Individualistic, creative, passonate and dedicated in yoga teaching, personal training and spiritual counseling.

Yoga Teaching Experience:
·        Teaching at home (private and semi private sessions) and at various other places in India and Adelaide (community group classes) since April 2013
·        Have been conducting workshops on Asana, Pranayama, Dharana, Yoga Nidra, Dhyana, and talks on chakras and yoga Philosophy at various places in India and Adelaide since April 2013

Other Professional Experience:
Over 6 years of teaching experience in various schools and 6 months teaching at Masters level in college between Aug 2002 to Jan 2012 in India.

Yoga Trainings and Certifications:
·        Certificate IV in Yoga includes Level I (200 hrs) and Level II (500 hrs), 7 weeks residential course (March 2014), from Byron Bay Yoga Centre (Purna Yoga), NSW, Australia.
·        Atmadarshan Yoga Teacher (AYT), 2 years (Yoga Philosophy, Chakras) Dec 2012, informal training with Kundalini Initiation and Spiritually graced by Sadguru Prabhuji, Light of the Self Foundation (Atmajyothi Satsang, since 1996)
·        Yoga Instructors course (YIC), 1 month residential course, (Aug 2012), from SVYASA Yoga University,

Other Relevant Training and Certifications:
·        SMET (Self Management of Excessive Tension) Teachers Training Course,(conducting corporate workshops on Stress Management through Cyclic Meditation, a Advanced Yoga Techniques for PANCHA KOSHAS),  1 month residential course, (Nov 2013) from SVYASA Yoga University,
·         Basic Acupressure Training (2012) from Acusansthan, Allahabad,   India 
·        Basic Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Course (2007) from All India Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation        
·        Four complete 10 day Vipassana Meditation in Bangalore, India  

Other Educational Qualifications:
·        Masters in Psychological Counselling (M.Sc), 2 years, regular, June 2011, from Bangalore University, India.
·        Masters in Education(M.Ed), 2 years, 2009, from KSOU, India

·        II Rank in Masters in Psychological Counselling (M.Sc) from from Bangalore University, India
·        II Rank in Masters in Education(M.Ed), from KSOU, India

Social Service:
·        Served as Dhamma worker in 10 day Vippasana Retreat (2013) in Adelaide (victor Harbour)
·        Served as Volunteer in Star Volunteering, Adelaide, SA, (2012)
·        Conducting Community yoga classes and workshops

·        Conducting Satsangs, workshops, on Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Philosophy as community service.
·        Reading Spiritual Books, and listening to Spiritual Talks

Personal details:
Name                        -              KOMALA PUKALE
Date of birth             -            21-04-1980
Nationality               -            Indian
Gender                      -              Female
Age                           -              34 Years
Marital Status           -             Married
Address                     -             5/1, Hale Street, Everard Park,
                                                                            Adelaide, SA 5035
Contact Number       -              0469 550 459
                                                                           0470 570 304
Email                        -    
Blogspot                   -    

                  “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”

Komalsyoga pics



(Patanjali Yogasutra, Sloka 46, 47, Chap -2)

Asana according to Patanjali is 'a steady and comfortable posture', in which one is effortless and totally relaxed so that one can meditate(get absorbed) in ananta, Infinite Consciousness or Existence and experience the True Self!  (This is YOGA -Union of Individual Consciousness with Universal Consciousness).

"hathasya prathamangghatvadasanam purvamuchyate  
kuryattadasanam sthairyamaroghyam changalaghavam" 
(Hatha Yoga Pradipika, sloka 17 chap 1)
According to Swatmarama 'prior to everything asana is the first part part of Hatha Yoga.By regular asana practice one attains steadiness of body, diseaselessness and lightness (flexiblity) of the limbs.' (...and this helps one to sit comfortably for long time in Meditation.!)

Padahastasana - Standing Forward Bend

Vrikshasana - Tree Pose
Bidalasana - Cat Cow Stretch

Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana -Rasied Leg Head to Knee pose

Parivrrita Trikonasana -Revolved Triangle Pose

Halasana - Plough Pose

Prasarita  shirsha Padaangustasana - Standing Wide Legged Head to Toe Pose

Virabhadrasana  III - Warrior III 

Uttitha Padaangustasana - Standing raised leg hand to toe pose

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana - Downdog 

Adho Muka Virasana - Dowarad Facing Warrior

Ustrasana - Camel Pose

Supta Vajrasana - Reclining Thunderbolt Pose

Virasana - Warrior Pose

Supta Virasana - Reclining Warrior Pose

Paschimottanasana - Seated Forward Bend

Upavista Konasana - Seated Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose

Parigasana - Gate pose

Vkrasana - Seated Spinal Twist Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana - Lord of the Fish pose
Dhanurasana - Upward Bow pose

Anatanasana - Reclining side leg hand to toe pose

Marichayasana - Head to Knee pose

Parivritta Janu shirshasana - Spiralled Head to Knee pose

Eka pada angustasana - Seated raised leg head to knee pose
Salabasana - Locust pose

Prasarita Padottanasana - Intense wide leg forward stretch

Ardha chandrasana - Half moon pose

 Padma sarvangasana variation - Folded Lotus shoulder  stand

 Setubandhasana - Bridge pose

Tip toe pose

Meru Dandasana - Spinal column pose

 Baddha Konasana - Butterfly pose

Padmasana - Lotus pose

 Uttitha Pristasana - Standing intense Back bend pose

Garudasana - Eagle pose

Akarna dhanurasana - toe to ear pose

Setu Asana - Bridge pose

Gomukhasana - Cow's head pose

 Bakasana - Crane pose

Vajrasana - Diamond pose

 Ustrasana variation - Camel pose variation

Meru Dandasana -Reclining hand to toe pose

Bhujangasana variation - Cobra pose

 Dhanurasana - Bow pose

Virabhadrasana IV Warrior IV variation

Chakrasana - Wheel pose

Upavista Konasana  variation

 Gupta Padmasana - Reclining Lotus pose

Uttan Pristanasana - Lizard Pose

Naukasana - Boat pose

Parigasana - Gate pose

Navasana -Boat pose

Sarvangasana - Shoulder Stand Pose
Chakrasana - Wheel Pose

The word 'hatha' is composed of two syllables: 'ha' and 'tha'. 'ha' stands for the sun (Surya)  the Seer, the Self, the soul (purusa), awareness. 'tha' stands for the moon, the prana (energy), nature (prakrti).  Hatha yoga, therefore, means the union of purusa (ha) and Prakriti (tha)

                  "Perfection of hatha yoga is achieved when there is leanness of the body, tranquil countenance, manifestation of the inner sound, clear eyes, diseaselessness, control of bindu (semen/ova), active digestive fire and purification of nadis."  (II:78 Hatha Yoga Pradipika)