Sunday 25 May 2014

Yoga Nidra - Yoga Workshop for deep relaxation and self healing

The 8 stages of the Yoga Nidra Practice:

1) Internalization / Relaxation – preliminary preparation of the body.
2) Affirmation (Sankalpa) – A personal goal previously decided upon is declared silently. 3) Rotation of Consciousness – the consciousness is taken on a tour of the whole body in a structured fashion.
4) Respiration awareness – a period of awareness of the breath at special positions in the body.
5) Manifestations of Opposites – pairs of feelings and emotions are experienced.
6) Creative Visualization – Various Archetypal images are visualized mentally.
7) Affirmation (Sankalpa) is repeated and, now in a highly suggestible state of consciousness, is programmed into the subconscious mind.
8.) Externalization / Return to Full Awareness – a careful and gradual return to a normal state.

10 Amazing Benefits of Yoga Nidra!
  1. Improves your concentration abilities which allows for a better memory
  2. You will suddenly find your memory becoming clearer and crisper
  3. Start retaining what you read and hear better than you have before
  4. Greater ability to focus
  5. Helps you become distracted less
  6. Improve your performance at work
  7. Allows you to make decisions much more rapidly and accurately
  8. Helps refresh the mind, leaving it clearer, more settled and better able to process information
  9. Much more powerful and effective than a nap or coffee break
  10. Can allow you to experience a much deeper state of rest than when you normally sleep
Yoga Nidra Meditation is simple, easy and convenient.
You don’t have to meditate for 20 years to experience the benefits immediately.
You don’t have to sit still and quiet the mind.
You do Yoga Nidra meditation lying down and just follow the guided meditation on the recording.
Yoga Nidra meditation is a deeply profound experience of physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
Regular practice of meditation like Yoga Nidra can help restore and maintain your vital life energy, prevent disease and even improve your mood. You will find that you will respond to stressful situations in your life with more calm and ease.
If you currently suffer from a condition such as:
• insomnia
• chronic pain
• depression
• anxiety
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD or PTS)
You may find that with regular practice your symptoms will decrease and you will have a greater sense of ease in your life.
Whether you are an experienced meditator or a novice, Yoga Nidra meditation is very easy and you can enjoy the benefits after one session.

Tips and tricks

Yoga nidra practice is best done with voice guidance (in a class or listening to a CD), otherwise you may simply fall asleep or become distracted. Many people find it easier to surrender to the relaxation process if they don't have to think about what they are doing.
You may find that you become so relaxed that you fall asleep during the practice. This is fine, the aim of yoga nidra is to 'surf the interface between sleeping and waking consciousness'. Usually your guide's voice will bring you back to a semi-conscious state.
Ideally, you should try and practice yoga nidra regularly, on a daily basis if you can manage it, preferably at the same time and in the same place. Most recordings run for about 30 minutes.
If you don't think you have the time to fit it in, remember that practitioners claim that a 30 minute yoga nidra session has the rejuvenating effects of several hours sleep!

The Yoga Nidra practice helps harmonize the two hemispheres of the brain and the two aspects of the autonomous nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic). The impressions in the subconscious are brought to surface, observed, experienced and removed. Thus, the fixation of awareness on the body is replaced with the awareness linked to subtler aspects of prana (the life force) and spiritual dimensions allowing for maximizing of the pure yet unmanifested potential within.Above all Nidra is a fantastic tool for manifesting change in one’s life.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Special Integrated Yoga ( 90 min Session) in Indian Authentic style

When the Breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the Breath is still, so is the mind still.”
 – Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Special Integrated Yoga session 90 min 

in Indian Authentic style

Saturday May 24th at Northgate, 
10.30 am to 12 noon (90 min)

(60 min yoga stretching and relaxing
30 min pranayama and meditation)

to attend call or mail

Following Yogic breathing exercises (Kriya and pranayama practices) to energize the body and calm the mind will be practiced.
Kapalabati, Bhastrika, Auloma viloma, Nadi Shodana, Sheetali, Shirakari
Combined with , Bhramari , Shambhavi Mudra 
with application of Bhandhas ..Mulabhandha, Uddiyana bhandha, Jalandara bhandha, With Mahabhandhas Followed by guided meditation

If you Like it please share it 
Spread the awareness of 
Yoga Pranayama and Meditation

Our upcoming casual yoga sessions 

at Northgate
Mon and Wed
5.45pm to 6.45 pm
7 to 8pm

At Everard park
Tue Fri and Sat
5.30pm to 6.30pm
7 to 8 pm
Please let your friends know.

Stretch Relax and rejuvenate in 

Authentic Indian Style

to attend a fre trial class call or mail


Yoga is 99% practice 1% theory!
Yoga = yoga only

Yoga workshop on YOGA NIDRA!!! Saturday May 31st 2014 10.30am to 12.30am

Our first mini  Yoga Workshop on Suryanamaskar - Sun Salutations. .
(On its benefits variations and how to do it as a daily practice. ) was conducted on 
Saturday 10.30 to 12.30 am 
at Northgate Lights view Adelaide.
Thankyou everyone for coming and making it a good start:)

Our next upcoming Yoga workshop is on
-Ancient Authentic Technique for deep relaxation of body and mind. 
(Mainly done after asana & pranayama practice for deeper relaxation)

Date :May 31st 2014 Saturday 
Time: 10.30am to 12.30am.
Duration : 2 hrs 
Venue : 1 Welsh Road Northgate Adelaide 5085

40 min ... Suryanamaskar & Asanas
15 min.. Pranayama and Bhandhas
25 min .. Yoga Nidra - Guided ( recording allowed for personal use )
20 min of discussion on principles technique and application behind Yoga Nidra for self or group practice.
10 min feedback 

Yoga Nidra (after a yoga session ) has numerous benefits for body and mind
It is an  ancient authentic time tested antidote for all psychosomatic problems like stress anxiety.. which is the result of our modern sedentary stressful lifestyle.
Balances the Chakras the Energy Centres
Which in turn balances the glands and hormonal dysfunctions. 
Improves concentration focus memory.
Releases psychological energy blocks.
Increases immunity, nervous coordination

Who can attend???
Any one!!! (Above 13 years)

For  more details on yoga classes private sessions and workshops more details call or mail...

Call : 0469 550 459
Mail :


Regular Yoga practice combined with pranayama & yoganidra is an effective Detoxing. .Rejuvenating.. Antiaging.

Yoga is an intelligent investment for body mind and breathe!

Saturday 10 May 2014

Surya Namsakar Workshop

Surya Namsakar Workshop

 1 Welsh Road, North gate, Adelaide 5085
May 17th Saturday 10.30 am to 11.30 am
0469 550 459

please click the below link to watch 
Simple Surya Namaskar Sequence 2 min Video