Tuesday 5 August 2014

Easy Yoga Poses for Back Pain!!

Easy Yoga Poses for Back Pain!!
YOGA for back pain is both preventive, curative, safe and cost effective!
We all suffer back pain ..for several reasons like any injury  stress  sports heavy workouts, weight lifting, sedentary lifestyle.. etc  Also we take several means like pills balms massage chiropractic till injections and surgery to get rid of it and get going!!
But how many think of Prevention !
Our back gets injured only when it becomes weak or less flexible or wrong body moves or due to over weight!
Then why not strengthen the back!!!
Make it more flexible and supple ??
Correct our postures ?? also maintain the weight!
here is where regular YOGA .. HEALTHY STRETCHING .. comes into picture!
YOGA for back pain is both preventive, curative, safe and cost effective!

Strengthening the Back through Yoga 

Flexion and extension in asanas like cat cow stretch, down dog, forward and back bends, bhujangasana (cobra), shalabasana (locoust) vakrasana (twists) help...
-in strengthening the back meanwhile making it more fluid as well
-increase blood circulation and oxygen supply and prana into the lower back
-release the stress and tension holding.
So why not take a positive step towards health and health well being?
we all know 'Prevention is better than cure!'.

Medical Science says ...
You are as young as your spine is flexible and strong!!

Yogacharini Komal
Komals Yoga 
Self Healing and Self Empowering Through Yoga!!

Yoga and meditation Classes and workshops
conducted at various places in Adelaide SA

+61 469 550 459

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