(Patanjali Yogasutra, Sloka 46, 47, Chap -2)
Asana according to Patanjali is 'a steady and comfortable posture', in which one is effortless and totally relaxed so that one can meditate(get absorbed) in ananta, Infinite Consciousness or Existence and experience the True Self! (This is YOGA -Union of Individual Consciousness with Universal Consciousness).
"hathasya prathamangghatvadasanam purvamuchyate
kuryattadasanam sthairyamaroghyam changalaghavam"
(Hatha Yoga Pradipika, sloka 17 chap 1)
According to Swatmarama 'prior to everything asana is the first part part of Hatha Yoga.By regular asana practice one attains steadiness of body, diseaselessness and lightness (flexiblity) of the limbs.' (...and this helps one to sit comfortably for long time in Meditation.!)
Padahastasana - Standing Forward Bend
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Vrikshasana - Tree Pose |
Bidalasana - Cat Cow Stretch |
Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana -Rasied Leg Head to Knee pose
Parivrrita Trikonasana -Revolved Triangle Pose
Halasana - Plough Pose
Prasarita shirsha Padaangustasana - Standing Wide Legged Head to Toe Pose
Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III
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Uttitha Padaangustasana - Standing raised leg hand to toe pose |
Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana - Downdog
Adho Muka Virasana - Dowarad Facing Warrior
Ustrasana - Camel Pose
Supta Vajrasana - Reclining Thunderbolt Pose
Virasana - Warrior Pose
Supta Virasana - Reclining Warrior Pose
Paschimottanasana - Seated Forward Bend
Upavista Konasana - Seated Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose
Parigasana - Gate pose
Vkrasana - Seated Spinal Twist Pose
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Ardha Matsyendrasana - Lord of the Fish pose |
Dhanurasana - Upward Bow pose
Anatanasana - Reclining side leg hand to toe pose
Marichayasana - Head to Knee pose
Parivritta Janu shirshasana - Spiralled Head to Knee pose
Eka pada angustasana - Seated raised leg head to knee pose |
Sarvangasana - Shoulder Stand Pose |
Chakrasana - Wheel Pose |
The word 'hatha' is composed of two syllables: 'ha' and 'tha'. 'ha' stands for the sun (Surya) the Seer, the Self, the soul (purusa), awareness. 'tha' stands for the moon, the prana (energy), nature (prakrti). Hatha yoga, therefore, means the union of purusa (ha) and Prakriti (tha)
"Perfection of hatha yoga is achieved when there is leanness of the body, tranquil countenance, manifestation of the inner sound, clear eyes, diseaselessness, control of bindu (semen/ova), active digestive fire and purification of nadis." (II:78 Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
Thanks for sharing
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