Monday 21 July 2014

REVERSE YOUR AGE - Yoga for Ageless Body!! (an article by Yogacharini Komal)


Live healthier, younger & longer with strength & vitality
- Yoga for Ageless Body!!

My body is aging!!! Can I do something about this? Can I slow down this?

Has such questions ever popped up in your mind? 
Yes!! We all know that as we grow in age, body starts deteriorating, metabolism slows down, fat starts accumulating, tiredness sets in, issues like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, insomnia, respiratory disorders, weight gain, constipation, incontinence, cancer, arthritis, back pain, shoulder pain(the list goes on..) sets in. And we depend on pills and powders for keep the body going. Result reduced immunity, healing and nervous coordination.

Can Yoga help in this regard? 
Certainly 100% But how??
Several yogis in the past and present have lived longer and healthier with yoga practices.
Simple Yoga stretches and breathing practices combined with Mudras, Bandhas, Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditative practices (that is Integrated Yoga) help in combating all the aging physical and mental health issues big and small.

Yoga has many, preventive, curative, energizing, relaxing and rejuvenating effect on our body, brain and mind. Everyone agrees with this! (Especially who have done yoga). 
The benefits of Yoga for the body, brain and mind are endless ... mainly it...
  • Tones the skin
  • Strengthens the muscles
  • Increases the elasticity of the spine
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Messages the internal organs
  • Balances glandular functions
  • Corrects hormonal imbalances
  • Improves nervous coordination
  • Enhances natural healing
  • Increases immunity
  • Strengthens brain power
  • Releases energy blocks
  • Calms the crazy mind
  • Balances left and right brain functioning
  • Corrects the postural deformities
  • Reduces catabolism and improves metabolism
  • Increase antioxidants and serotonin levels

Traditional Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar is the best Vinyasa Flow that anyone can practice daily. Many variations are available, depending on your age, practice level and flexibility; one can start with simple version and gradually challenge oneself. Surya Namaskar builds strength, brings stability, increases flexibility, and very good for anti-aging as it works on our seven energy centers (Chakras).

Nadi Shuddii Pranayama - Alternate Nostril Breathing
Doing some warm-ups & joint mobilization before Surya Namaskar is good as it helps in better stretching, also when followed by simple breathing practices like Kapalabhati Bhastrika Nadi Shuddi Pranayama, Surya Bedana Pranayama, Surya Mudra ...etc help in detoxification and energization of the body. This helps in balancing the Prana flow in the Ida & Pingala Nadi, thus rejuvenating the body. Also let us not forget healthy yogic diet and yogic lifestyle!

All health practitioners today recommend that everyone interested in healthy aging should add a yoga practice to their life! So still thinking... just breathe and get started. The only limitation is in our mind... possibilities are always infinite!!

Yoga is an intelligent investment of time and energy towards a healthy an happier life.

In short the equation of reversing the age is
Yoga = Fit Body = Active Mind = Glowing Skin = Healthier & Younger look!

Yogacharini Komal
(Komals Yoga)

+61 469 550 459 

Yogacharini Komal is a professionally trained certified & experienced Yoga and Meditation teacher. She conducts free & donation based Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation Classes & Workshops for community and corporate with the aim of spreading awareness of Yoga for better health and lifestyle.

Aging Gracefully - photo courtesy:

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