Saturday 5 July 2014



 Skin problems like dryness, red patches, fine lines, crows feet, acne, pimples, itches, dark patches, skin eruptions, premature wrinkles, sagging, decolouring, double chin, scaling.. all occur mainly due to our hormonal imbalances which results due lifestyle, stress, wrong food habits, metabolic disorders like constipation, indigestion, sleep issues, pitta doshas(heat), and aging.
All natural young & healthy skin can be yours... just by the four letter word YOGA!!!
It is important to understand and eliminate the cause of skin diseases. Poor diet, poor stimulation of the circulatory and excretory systems and subsequent build up of toxins are the root cause of skin eruptions. According to Yoga, the practice of Asanas, Breathing techniques as well as Internal Cleansing (Body Detoxification) techniques will serve to address skin issues. In other words, Yoga shows how to take charge of your own health issues (skin disorders included) without the need for any EXTERNAL aid. 
ASANAS PRANAYAMA & MEDITATION has detoxifying & anti-aging affect on the skin, as it works on the root problems of stress, toxins & hormonal imblances .. than just working on the symptoms as most of our modern costly skin remedies are.
Asanas like child's pose, cobra pose, fish pose, chest openers, forward bends, inversions increase oxygen and prana supply to the skin, stimulates, detoxifies and tones the skin thus cleansing toning and rejuvenation if the skin occurs!!!
Also Yogic breathing practices like kalpalbati and bhastrika, Alternate nostril breathing, sheetali and sheetakari has the same .. even in curing skin disesases like psoriasis, eczema...
Meditation is the ultimate de-stressor and antiaging has it is self healing and self rejuvenating.
What else do we need .. for our Healthy Glowing Skin!!

Komals Yoga
Adelaide, SA
also READ MORE!!

Walking on the path of Yoga and Yagna
Initiated & graced by Sadguru Prabhuji, her mission is…..
Self Healing & Self Empowering, through
 Yoga Practices and Yoga Philosophy!!

Yogacharini Komal
MA (English), M.Ed (Education), M.Sc (Psychological Counselling)
Level II 500hrs , Cert IV in Yoga, Purna Yoga Centre, NSW, Australia
(Highest qualification in teaching Yoga in Australia)
Certified SMET Teacher, SVYASA, Yoga University, India
Certified Yoga Instructor, SVYASA, Yoga University, India
Certified Atmadarshan Yoga, Teacher, Light of the Self Foundation
With current Senior First Aid, Public Liability Insurance, ABN number...

Komal is a highly qualified, professionally trained, certified, inspiring Yoga & Meditation Instructor.
She conducts group and private, free and donation based Yoga & Mediation Classes and Workshops around Adelaide.

Currently Teaching at:
* Inception Health and Wellness Centre, Adelaide, SA, 5034
* Northgate, Adelaide, SA, 5085
* Everard Park, Adelaide, SA, 5035

For More Details Visit:

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