Tuesday 22 July 2014

Free SOHAM KRIYA DHYANA - Transcending the Pancha Koshas.. Meditation as the gateway to the Self!


We all know that we are not just our bodies(the actions), we have a mind too, which is always running non stop! That is our likes and dislikes(the conditioned lower mind). 
Above that we have the intellect, the thinking part (or the analytic higher mind) constantly telling us what is right and wrong, which is sometimes guiding and sometimes conflicting with our mind. 
But where are these so called body, mind and intellect, when we are in deep sleep ? YES!! we are not aware of our 'body', nor aware of our  feelings or thoughts when we are in deep sleep.. then who are we in our deep sleep? 
We are resting in our Blissful sheath .. but we are not aware of it.. so we come out of the deep sleep again with the same forgetfulness and ignorance that 'we are just this body mind and intellect'! 

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That is why everyone is so fond of sleep.. because in sleep we are nothing, no mind no body, our so called identities the EGO  goes into the seed state in deep sleep. But as soon as we wake up, the EGO takes its full control of the body, mind and intellect and we are bombarded with our memories and desires and we jump into actions to fulfill them or express them. 
In due course we go on accumulating impressions and more and more desires and fears.. then where is the end!..!
So how to break this viscous cycle of ego, desire, fear and action how to consciously get established in our blissful state.. where there no thoughts and feelings, no desires and fears that bother us.. 
How do we realize our true nature that is free from all ego conditioning and impressions?
How to transcend these Pancha Koshas, the layers of existence... like a onion peels, covering our Inner Self? 
How to get established in our True nature.. that is peace and bliss? 

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Meditation is the only way out.. !!
Meditation ..
-grounds the body, slows down the mind
-purifies the mind and the heart
-clears the energy & emotional blocks
-sharpens the intellect and discrimination power

What is Soham Kriya Dhyana??
Soham Kriya Dhyana is a systematic training of establishing our mind(awareness) in that blissful state, transcending the lower Koshas, the Annamaya, Pranamaya Manomaya and Vijnanamaya and get establish in Anandamaya kosha.

Meditation as the gateway to Blissful Self - All realized souls teach the same truth!

1.      SOHAM NAMANA                         - Prayer as a gateway to Blissful Self
2.      SOHAM SHAKTI SANCHALANA  - Energy as the gateway to the Blissful Self
3.      SOHAM NADA DHYANA              - Sound as the gateway to Blissful Self
4.      SOHAM KAYANUSANDHANA     - Body as the gateway to Blissful Self
5.      SOHAM PRANAVA JAPA              - AUM as the gateway to Blissful Self
6.      SOHAM PRANAVA DHYANA       - OM as the gateway to Blissful Self
7.      SOHAM JYOTIR DHYANA            - Light as the gateway to Blissful Self
8.      SOHAM CHAKRA DHYANA         - Energy as the gateway to Blissful Self
9.      SOHAM PRANAYAMA                  - Breath as the gateway to Blissful Self
10.   SOHAM NADI SHUDDI KRIYA     - Prana as the gateway to Blissful Self
11.   SOHAM SAMADHI                         - Silence as the gateway to Blissful Self

​In Soham Kriya Dhyana we take our awareness stage by stage  transcending the Koshas one by one and establish our self in Anandamaya Kosha, the Blissful self . And then our true Self will reveal itself. It needs regular practice and commitment.. we are looking forward for serious seekers.. 
It is a series of mindfulness meditation practices done using nada bindu and kala i,e. light sound and energy.

Atma, the soul is nada bindu kalathitha!
The Self is beyond light, sound and energy!

This Authentic and scientific technique was taught to me and I was initiated, graced, trained and  authorized in Guru Parampara by my Guruji... 'Sadguru Narasimha Prabhuji' to teach others. 

​we run
  regular meditation courses and yoga classes​
​It would be much appreciated if you could pass this information to your friends and family interested in meditation. Also we are happy to come and conduct at various places and present slide show containing the steps and significance and its benefits also will give a demo session for the interested groups.​

thank you for reading
Yogacharini Komal

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